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Meadow with Wildflowers IMG_20220701_091836_edited_edited.jpg

   Voices in the Field   

Thanks for your efforts re this spectacular meadow . We live in Slad and have been horrified at the developments, and fear that it may get a whole lot worse.

 I used to live just below the hill and still live nearby. We have walked there for years. I would love to support you in some way.

Dear campaigners this is a copy of an email I have sent to national trust, campaign for rural England, Gloucestershire wildlife trust, Siobhan Bailey, Gary Luff:
I am writing to express my dismay regarding the exploitation of a rare and declining habitat for financial gain. Juniper hill field lies between Thrift Wood and Juniper Hill both protected nature reserves. Juniper hill field is an outstanding grassland meadow full of native orchids and wild flowers. It hums with bees, a great place to see butterflies, moths and other flying insects. The skylarks remain established. Until recently the meadow has been well managed by low level cattle grazing. Local people have historically wandered through the meadow when walking and have a deep regard for it.
I hope the meadow can be reclaimed for nature since we are all aware that loss of such habitat cannot continue if we are to reverse biodiversity decline and the threat of mass extinction of species in the future. 
Juniper hill field must not only be saved but its future secured by giving it SSI status and becoming a nature reserve.
I am writing this letter as an individual and as a supporter of a group “save juniper hill field”.

I support you to preserve this important natural field.

I am keen to be kept updated on developments with this atrocity and to help out where I can. 

I am a local garden designer and I understand the value of this site and it's biodiversity which should be strenuously protected.

As a regular user I am dismayed at what I see happening to Juniper Hill.

We need to preserve these environments and the biodiversity that they support.

I am very keen to support your campaign .

I want to protect this valuable open space for nature and wildlife.

Meadow with Wildflowers IMG_20220701_091836_edited_edited.jpg

Best of luck with this, it's a beautiful meadow and it would be very sad to see it lost.

We need to preserve wildlife in all its shapes and forms.

I live near by and have walked through the field everyday. I am heartbroken by what is happening here.

 I care about the plant diversity and insect habitats.

I have been visiting these meadows for many years and it really is a special place I hope there is a way to keep it whole and allow its individual potential as a chalky grassland to flourish. Very happy to support the campaign.

Concerned as a botanist to see this now nationally rare example of wildflower-rich limestone grassland habitat conserved as pasture.

I feel very strongly that this field should be preserved as it is, for the sake of the diminishing wildlife in this country and people’s chance to hear skylarks and see these wonderful rare flowers and not see it ravaged for somebody’s greed. It is a very special place.

Really upset that such beauty can be ruined.

I regularly walk my dog there and see all the wildlife and am deeply concerned about the future of the land - thank you for initiating this campaign

I have walked up on this field for many years and enjoyed the wild flowers and skylarks. Such a peaceful place. Please don’t let it be destroyed.

I loved walking across that field through the glorious wild flowers, with the view of the Severn and the skylarks singing.

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I strongly support this campaign having visited the meadow many times and become aware of the exciting diversity of plants and insects there. I am particularly annoyed at how efforts to reduce carbon dioxide are perverted by certain organisations to make money for themselves at the expense of our countryside, its diversity and beauty.

 I live in Cornwall and have seen this company sell off fields in my local area.The field is now seeing houses being built upon it. Cornwall is being ruined by these greedy companies who have no interest in rural land or communities other than how much money it can direct to their bank accounts. Cornwall has been ruined by land being bought up and then sold on to build houses, with no thought for the local communities or the infrastructure required to service them. What’s more devastating is that the new houses are out of reach of local people to purchase. I wish you every success in your fight to save Juniper Hill Field.

I support the vision of Friends of Juniper Hill Field to retain the field as a single grassland. Already the additions of wooden posts and wire mesh scar this gem. In my youth I have walked many many times up Folly Lane from Uplands to Bulls Cross revelling in diversity of the Cotswold's natural heritage. Returning to the Uplands by way of Slad Road with ocassional pauses for refreshment at the Woolpack, the Star (long gone) and the Fountain. 

 I wholeheartedly support this campaign. I walked on Juniper Hill for 25 years from Wick Street . My family and I are devastated to think of that beautiful area being destroyed - for what?

I'd just like to ask how in the world some London big-shot got a chance to buy this section of the Cotswolds in the first place?? Good luck with the campaign which,for what it's worth, has my complete backing

I 100% support you in your campaign. This man has enough money but the world does not have enough bio diversity it is about knowing the ecological value rather than the monetary value.

Strongly support the aims of Friends of Juniper Hill Field, we cannot lose these grasslands to developers by doing nothing. I fully support your campaign to keep these vital grasslands in their current state.

Fully behind the campaign to protect this rare habitat from selfish human greed or folly.

I fully support the friends of Juniper Hill Field and hope that this awful invasion of nature can be reversed.  This kind of damage to wildflower meadows should not be legal.

©2023 by Friends of Juniper Hill Field

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