Welcome to our forum! Here you can share your thoughts and memories of your experiences in Juniper Hill Field. We hope that you will use this space to write about your thoughts about its past and future, and share photographs of the plants and wildlife that you have seen there. We also welcome ideas about how we can all work together to preserve the integrity of this special place.
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We wish you well with your battle to save Juniper Hill from the hands of Woodlands Investment Management. We have had our own experience of them here in Devon, where they have parcelled up and sold off much of our local ancient woodland. Sadly, our worst fears have been realised with the building of huts and cabins under the guise of being forestry stores. The laying of limestone chippings for vehicle access and convenient parking on these privately used camping spots does untold damage to this special habitat. Once these things are in place it is nigh on impossible to achieve any kind of enforcement from local planning.
All strength to your campaign.
Dividing and selling off small pieces of this land to private hands is surely the opposite of democratization. Wouldn't common ownership and enjoyment be much more democratic - enjoy the beautiful English landscape even if you don't have £85,000!
I have been walking this field this year as I have done for the past deacde. It is so sad to see how the grassland has changed from the lack of grazing. Such a shame that this precious space is being so badly treated.